Loch Lyon Loop
Route: Loch Lyon LoopDistance: 27.0m / 43.4km
Profile: View
Grade: Moderate

Fitness: High

Time: 5-6 Hours
OS MAP: 50 & 51
Route Data: GPX KML
Riders: Dave Banks, Brian Gray
Date: 18/04/2015
A mixture of some tarmac road and landrover track and water crossings make this a straight forward and rewarding mountain bike trek through remote and interesting scenery.
High levels of fitness are required, only due to the distance involved.
This route can be started at Tyndrum, following the West Highland Way, which will add approximately 5m/8km onto the overall distance, or from half way between Tyndrum and Bridge of Orchy, near the turn off to Auch Estate. We chose the slightly shorter route, as we have ridden that part of the West Highland Way before.
Starting at the forest entrance bell mouth junction, cycle the few hundred yards downhill towards Bridge of Orchy, and take the turn off on the right for Auch Estate. Follow the tarmac road down to the estate and continue over the ford until you come to a Y junction. This is where the West Highland Way from Tyndrum heads off to Bridge of Orchy. Take the right hand track and follow the land rover track up the right hand side of the river as you head towards the railway viaduct of the West Highland line.
After the viaduct the track climbs away from the river before dropping again to once more meet up with the river. The track gently climbs along the valley floor, following the line of the river, sometimes on the left, other times on the right. As a result, there are numerous fords to be crossed, which in low water are easily managed. If there has been heavy rain, I suspect the fords may not be crossable. The track leaves the river as it starts to climb up to an old farm building where it then swings to the right and steepens as it heads towards the watershed at Srath Tarabhan.
At the head of the watershed, the first glimpse of Loch Lyon can be seen. The track undulates as it heads round the hillside, Loch Lyon becoming more visible, before it drops steeply to just above the shores of the loch. At the bottom of the descent, a track can be seen joining from the right, this is the return route from around Loch Lyon. The track is generally good, soft in places and stony in others and there are numerous small water crossings as water from the hillside crosses the track to reach Loch Lyon.
The track drops towards the only major water crossing on this side of the loch. If you choose the right line, it can be ridden across, but after heavy rain, it may not be passable. The large stones aren't all the way across the river, so you can't use them as stepping stones and you will get your feet wet.
After the river crossing, the track climbs steeply before continuing to undulate as it follows the line of the loch high above the shoreline, with the occasional steeper drop and climb and numerous small water crossings. As you approach the dam, the track steepens quite considerably for about 500 yards before dropping steeply to the valley floor where it joins the tarmac road through Glen Lyon.
Turn right onto the tarmac road, cross the river and climb the hill. Take the turn off to the right, which will takes you down to the dam. This is an ideal spot to take a break and have a walk out across the dam. The return leg of the trip is much easier than the outbound leg. The track is more level, but the water crossing are wider and you will get your feet wet, as there are no suitable stepping stones to help you. The high point on this side of the shore takes you to a sheep pen, where the track drops suddenly to another river crossing. There is a Y junction just before this crossing, we took the right hand track, and had to ford the river. We suspect the left hand track would take you to the bridge slightly further upstream, saving you from getting your feet wet yet again. There are another couple of rivers to be crossed, they are ride able with care. At this point the track climbs slightly to join the outbound track again, as you complete your circum navigation of the loch.
Weary legs may mean you are pushing your bike up the short, but steep climb back up to the watershed, but you now have the descent back to Auch to look forward to. The descent is rapid and it is just a matter of retracing your tracks back to the car, enjoying the scenery as you go.
Photo Gallery
This video shows highlights from the trip. The key points in the video are:
1:30 First of several water crossings
1:45 Another, minor water crossing
2:09 Another deeper water crossing
2:38 Bridge at the watershed
3:28 Track contouring the hill from the watershed
4:29 Descending to Loch Lyon
5:42 The only major outbound water crossing - there is a deep spot at the start of this crossing
7:03 Track above the dam
8:04 Descent to Glen Lyon and Pubil
9:42 Descent down to the dam from the C-class road
10:49 The final water crossing before the climb back up to the watershed
This video, starting at the watershed at Srath Tarabhan, shows the descent to Auch Estate.